Practically speaking a person can
live without all other sensory organs but life is impossible in the absence of
Pran. The mind and sensory organs function only because of Pran.
Controlling(sadhna) of vital life force is Pranayam. According to an estimate our
lungs take in 180-200 cubic inches. When we inhale we take in 30 cubic inches
air and exhale the same amount. So around 150 cubic inches of air remains in
the lungs all the time. If we take a deep long breath we can inhale and exhale
up to 100 cubic inches of air. With pranayam we can make major part of the air
present in the lungs active in the breathing cycle. If the residual air in the
lungs gets purified the food is digested properly, the body organs become
stronger and the body as a whole is cleaned. Whatever food we eat comes in
contact with oxygen i.e. inhaled in the process of respiration. The oxidation
process yields several important compounds that are useful for the body. The
carbon present in the food becomes carbon dioxide. It mixes with nitrogen, and
other elements present in the food and is thrown out when we exhale.
Phosphorous present in the food comes in contact with oxygen and becomes
phosphate, which builds bones in our body. The short, incomplete and the
shallow respiration is generally fast and the person with fast rate of
breathing does not live long whereas longer(deeper the breath) the breathing
cycle and slower the rate of breathing, the longer is the life. It is because
of this tortoise leads a long life up to 200 years or even more because they
take three to five breaths in a minute whereas Pigeon, pigs and other animals
take 34-37 breaths per minute and live for 10-12 years. Humans take 15 breaths
in a minute and by practicing pranayam they can increase the life span with
good physical and mental health.
In bhastrika pranayam, we sit in
any comfortable posture and inhale till diaphragm is full and exhale with full
force. It should be done in accordance to individual capacity and his medical
condition-in three different modes: slow, medium and fast. While practicing
Bhastrika Pranayam we should think that vital life energy is entering inside
our body. Pranayam done with auspicious and positive thoughts is very
Kapal means
brain and Bhati means light. The Pranayam that brings light, glow, shine on the
forehead is called Kapalbhati. Here the emphasis is laid on exhaling with full
force. In this Pranayam, we do not try to inhale the air but air enters
automatically while exhaling. The stomach contracts and expands automatically
and force is exerted on Mooladhar, Manipur chakra and Swadhisthan. It should be
practiced at least for five minutes daily and should think that air that we are
breathing out is taking away with it all the diseases present in the body. One
should remove the negative feelings such as attachment, lust, anger, greed,
jealousy, hatred etc and should feel that our body is getting rid of all these
diseases and a positive energy is entering then it has positive impact of this
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