Sunday, 29 December 2013


Our total body weight consists of Fat Mass and Lean Body Mass. Bones are major part of lean body mass. 99% calcium of our body is stored in our bones and teeth that make our bone bank. Bones are living and growing tissues as such resorption/removal of old bones and formation of new bones(added to our skeleton) goes on throughout our life. This process can be said coming in(formation) and incurring/withdrawing of calcium as per need of our bodies and so the bone is utilized to keep our blood calcium level normal. Our bones are basic foundation of our body these mostly are made of collagen-a protein that provides a soft framework and of calcium phosphate a mineral that provides hard framework for strength. this combination of collagen and the calcium makes our bones strong and flexible to bear all type of stresses. Strong, dense bones are the requirements to have a strong, balanced and good posture and to be look confident, energetic, youthful and attractive.

How OLLC manage your this condition?
OLLC treatment on osteoporosis OLLC works on its principle of prevention is better than cure so after densitometry test OLLC gives the program for boasting up bones strength of the clients. The emphasis is given on active lifestyle of regular exercise regime with adequate exposure to sunlight. Diet modification is made after taking in consideration the composite physical, mental and medical status of the client particularly to get rid of their bad habits of smoking or excessive alcohol intake.

For More Details

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