Tuesday, 31 December 2013

OLLC: New Year Message from J.L. Jindal ( CEO OLLC ...

OLLC: New Year Message from J.L. Jindal ( CEO OLLC ...: On this new day of the New Year I give you a message cum a wakeup call. That God has gifted us with a wonderful physical body to which...

New Year Message from J.L. Jindal ( CEO OLLC )

On this new day of the New Year I give you a message cum a wakeup call.
That God has gifted us with a wonderful physical body to which we have taken for granted and misusing it with our sedentary lifestyle and by that inviting , so many diseases.
To make you out of  all this  !!! I offer you a Active lifestyle
“To Look Good and Feel Great “
Send   the details of your physical and medical conditions to  get your fitness formula from
 OLLC (our life long cares)
Wish you very Happy New Year


Monday, 30 December 2013


OLLC: BONE BANK: Our total body weight consists of Fat Mass and Lean Body Mass. Bones are major part of lean body mass. 99% calcium of our body is store...

Sunday, 29 December 2013


Our total body weight consists of Fat Mass and Lean Body Mass. Bones are major part of lean body mass. 99% calcium of our body is stored in our bones and teeth that make our bone bank. Bones are living and growing tissues as such resorption/removal of old bones and formation of new bones(added to our skeleton) goes on throughout our life. This process can be said coming in(formation) and incurring/withdrawing of calcium as per need of our bodies and so the bone is utilized to keep our blood calcium level normal. Our bones are basic foundation of our body these mostly are made of collagen-a protein that provides a soft framework and of calcium phosphate a mineral that provides hard framework for strength. this combination of collagen and the calcium makes our bones strong and flexible to bear all type of stresses. Strong, dense bones are the requirements to have a strong, balanced and good posture and to be look confident, energetic, youthful and attractive.

How OLLC manage your this condition?
OLLC treatment on osteoporosis OLLC works on its principle of prevention is better than cure so after densitometry test OLLC gives the program for boasting up bones strength of the clients. The emphasis is given on active lifestyle of regular exercise regime with adequate exposure to sunlight. Diet modification is made after taking in consideration the composite physical, mental and medical status of the client particularly to get rid of their bad habits of smoking or excessive alcohol intake.

For More Details

Friday, 27 December 2013

Syndrome X

Syndrome X
Syndrome X is a combination of conditions i.e. high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, low levels of HDL, too much fat deposited around waist etc. that keep you on risk for diabetes and heart disease and is also known as metabolic syndrome. It causes insulin resistance incapable to deal with dietary carbohydrates and sugar properly because insulin as a hormone helps to convert sugar from food into energy for the body. Insulin resistant people having too much sugar in their blood are going to be sick of the disease syndrome X.
Causes of Syndrome X
The main causes are:
Genetic predisposition: includes type II diabetes, hypertension and heart disease because of the family history increase the possibility of developing metabolic syndrome.
Environmental causes:
·        Excessive intake of carbohydrates and excessive weight significantly contribute to the development of metabolic syndrome.
·        Irregular physical activity and sedentary lifestyle of the people put in them towards metabolic syndrome.
·        Increased stress level
·        Deficiency of nutrients and minerals
Symptoms of syndrome X
The most common symptoms of syndrome X are associated with the obesity, associated symptom of diabetes, hypertension, fatty liver, failure to lose weight etc.
How at OLLC we help you manage your this condition?
We at OLLC help you to manage your this condition by getting your lifestyle changed with diet modification and the physical activities with support of the supplements so that your required weight is managed.

  In the diet modification support system of OLLC the clients are motivated and gradual changes are incorporated to get them at required change in their diet. Diet plan mean a balanced diet approach keeping in view the present health condition and accordingly focus is given consumption of the fruits, the vegetables, the whole grains and nonfat dairy products, lean meat, fish etc low in saturated fat, total fat and refined carbohydrates.  In case of obesity focus is given on reduction of weight and the waist circumference. The programs of the exercises of both types active or passive are advised keeping in view of the health condition and the lifestyle to get the optimal fitness for beneficial effects on the diseases such as hypertension, cholesterol level and insulin sensitivity.

For More Details

Celiac disease
Celiac disease an extreme form of gluten-in-tolerance a digestive disorder. Gluten is invisible to naked eye found in endosperm of grains of wheat, rye, barley, oats and all their derivatives. Besides foods stuff, it may also found in asafoetida, soup cubes, soya sauce, cosmetics and medications whereas rice, wild rice, corn, maize, corn meal, sorghum(jowar), chestnut flour(singhara), quinoa , pearlmillet(bajra), fingermillet(ragi), buckwheat(kuttu), amarnath(ramdana), sago(sabudana) are gluten free grains. The immune system of the body reacts to the gluten and then harm the intestine. It may start in childhood, even in infants that may lead to slowdown the growth or even failure to flourish.
Celiac disease is a multi-system disorder and high variable in its clinical expression. It may occur at any age and may present with a variety of manifestations. Apart from gastrointestinal, it may express itself as iron deficiency, fatique, osteoporosis, and epilepsy, diarrhea, constipation etc.
Main symptoms of Celiac disease are; digestive that may include abdominal bloating and pain, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation and pale, foul-smelling stool, and weight loss or malnutrition include anemia, fatique, miscarriage or infertility. Depression, poor memory, irritability, skin rashes may experience the celiac disorder.
At OLLC diet experts and food technologists are researching and developing the food recipes and flours from gluten free grains and other products so that food needs of the affected persons can satisfied properly.

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Gall stones

Gall stones are small or large stones like substances which get formed in the Gall bladder, and can cause severe pain in the right upper abdomen. Gallstones develops when liquid stored in the gall bladder transformed into small pieces of stone and can cause acute inflammation of the gall bladder with chronic pain and high fever. The gall bladder stores bile having water, billirubin, bile salts and cholesterol. Gallstones are of two types: cholesterol stones made of hardened cholesterol which are usually yellow-green and pigment stones are small and dark stones made of billirubin. 
Causes of gall stones
Following are the conditions that may develop gall stones:
• Absorption of bile salts
• Absorption of water from the bile
• Too much cholesterol in the bile

Risk factors of having gall stones
• This disease is found more common in women than men because they have high estrogen levels due to pregnancy and contraceptive use.
• Obesity
• Diabetes and insulin resistance
• Blood diseases
• Gall bladder and ducts diseases
• Use of cholesterol lowering drugs 
• Rapid weight loss and fasting
• Diseases of gall bladder and ducts 

If gall bladder is removed, what will happen?

Once if gall bladder is removed, the bile still flows from the liver to the gut. People who have had removed their gall bladder, have mild abdominal pain or bloating particularly after eating a fatty meal. In some persons an increase in occurrence of passing stools like mild diarrhea is noticed which can be treated easily. 

Will losing weight prevent or complicate?

Rapid weight loss due to crash dieting can actually increase the chances of developing gall stones also because during the prolong fasting body metabolizes fat so the liver secretes extra cholesterol into bile which can cause gall stones. 
Instead of rapid weight loss, in normal weight loss the risk can be prevented.
Because obesity posses even greater risk so weight loss can lower the risk of developing gall stones including so many other obesity related diseases. 

How OLLC manage your this condition? 

We at OLLC help you to manage your this condition by getting your lifestyle changed with diet modification and the physical activities with support of the supplements. 
In the diet modification support system of OLLC the clients are motivated and gradual changes are incorporated to get them at required change in their diet. Diet plan mean a balanced diet approach keeping in view the present health condition of gall stones and accordingly focus is given consumption of the fruits, the vegetables, the whole grains and nonfat dairy products, lean meat, fish etc low in saturated fat, total fat and refined carbohydrates. In case of obesity focus is given on reduction of weight and the waist circumference with passive activities and diet modification keeping in view of the health condition.

Friday, 20 December 2013

Hyper tension

Blood Pressure is the pressure exerted by circulating blood against the walls of arteries whereas high blood pressure/hypertension are of two types one systolic blood pressure(SBP) of 140mm Hg or higher and second diastolic blood pressure(DBP) of 90mm Hg or higher. Hypertension here at OLLC is managed with integrated approach that include weight reduction , nutritional intervention with diet modification ,stress and lifestyle management.
For More Details

Thursday, 19 December 2013


Obesity is the physical condition of abnormal/excessive fat accumulation in the body that impair the health and has correlation with serious types of diseases and the genetic disorders . The factors of the  weight  gain  are the  heredity  and also eating in excess for their emotional satisfaction or in  their temptation of lavish food. Weight is also  gained after intake of certain drugs. In  all these conditions there is imbalance  that  the energy  in take  is more  than the energy  consumed .This imbalance can be removed with the physical activities by lifestyle management and diet modification. 
For more Details 

Tuesday, 17 December 2013


Immunity is a God given gift which provide us self fighting force against the diseases or disorders so resist damaging microbes from entering our body. The immunity is of three types i.e. innate, adaptive and passive. Innate  is natural by birth and the adaptive develops throughout life according to our living lifestyle that incase we lead our  life in compatible with the nature and take proper diet with proper workout so our immunity mechanism is stronger than if we lead a sedentary lifestyle whereas the passive immunity mechanism is raised through medicines. The immune system of every person is different. Some people are infection proof i.e.  do not easily fall before the infection whereas some people are infection prone remains generally sick. The immune system of teens and the youngsters  is stronger than the kids because they learned to recognize the viruses of so many diseases and their immunity attacks those  viruses and do not fall before those diseases.
There are major four types of disorders of the immune system:
1. Immunodeficiency disorder
2. Autoimmune disorder
3. Allergic disorder
4. Cancers of immune system

 OLLC assistance in building your immune system healthy
OLLC assist in building the immune system healthy of their clients by taking in its view all the deficiencies in their physical and mental health with their medical condition. Immunity is a prime ingredient that keep us disease free and healthy. To build the immunity at OLLC we take care of all the habits so get our clients out of their bad habits. Instead of medication we take route of prevention and change in lifestyle with physical activity and diet modification and the food supplements those increase the level of immunoglobulin that build the immune system.

For More Details See Below

Monday, 16 December 2013

OLLC is looking qualified professionals of its Head Office at Panchkula.

Position: Centre Head

Location: Panchkula
Eligibility: Graduates with 3-5 years of experience in the field wellness/personal care/nutrition/food science. Good communication and people management skills.
Roles & Responsibilities:
1. Centre Manager is responsible for monitoring the Administrative, marketing and Technical aspects & smooth functioning of the centre.
2. Taking initiatives to increase sales e.g counseling clients, creating awareness, organizing various marketing activities to increase walk-in, up selling existing clients etc.
3. Ensuring customer satisfaction by maintaining the quality of services through SOPs adherence and training & development of the team.

Position: Dietician

Location: Panchkula
Eligibility: Graduates with 3-5 years of experience in the field wellness/personal care/nutrition/food science. Good communication and people management skills.
Roles & Responsibilities:
1. Counseling clients enrolled for weight management, slimming program on appropriate diets, menu planning and preparation of food to treat obesity in order to enhance and maintain optimum health.
2. Keep accurate and timely records of personal, behavioral, medical and other relevant details of the client.
3. Monitor and review progress of client after each slimming session and devise alternate slimming plan in co-ordination with Slimming Manager

Position: Physiotherapists

Eligibility: B.Sc. in any stream, Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Bachelor of Applied Science (physiotherapy) 
Bachelor of Physiotherapy/Bachelor of Exercise Science and any other. Excellent communication skills
Roles / Responsibilities:
1. Counseling clients enrolled for the treatment of physical problems.
2. Keep accurate and timely records of personal, behavioral, medical and other relevant details of the client.

3. Monitor and review progress of client after each session and devise alternate physiotherapy  plan in co-ordination with other experts.

For More Details 
  • HR Manager
  • Nidhi Sharma

  • 8289066611

Friday, 13 December 2013

OLLC: Homemade Dandruff Treatments

OLLC: Homemade Dandruff Treatments: Dandruff may be the result of anything from a desert-dry scalp to a skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis to eczema, psoriasis, or,...

Homemade Dandruff Treatments

Dandruff may be the result of anything from a desert-dry scalp to a skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis to eczema, psoriasis, or, very commonly, an overgrowth of a yeastlike fungus called malassezia.
What will get rid of serious dandruff? Start with a new shampoo, something mild; overenthusiastic washing simply may have dried out your scalp. If dandruff persists, use trial and error to find the right flake-fighter.

  1. Different dandruff shampoo ingredients do different things. Zinc pyrithione targets fungus and bacteria; ketoconazole also fights fungus; coal tar and selenium sulfide slow the growth and die-off of skin cells on your scalp; salicylic acid loosens flakes so they can be washed away. If one doesn’t work, buy two or three different types and alternate between them.
Still flaky? If nothing’s helped after a few weeks of shampooing with various formulas or if your scalp is irritated, see your doctor. She may prescribe a prescription-strength dandruff shampoo or another treatment if a skin condition like seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, or psoriasis is the real cause. You can also try the following natural treatments to see if they help with the problem.

Homemade Dandruff Treatments

1. Aspirin
Is your dandruff problem getting you down? Keep it in check by crushing two aspirins to a fine powder and adding it to the normal amount of shampoo you use each time you wash your hair. Leave the mixture on your hair for 1-2 minutes, then rinse well and wash again with plain shampoo.

2. Baking Soda
Got a bit of a “flaky” problem? To get dandruff under control, wet your hair and then rub a handful of baking soda vigorously into your scalp. Rinse thoroughly and dry. Do this every time you normally wash your hair, but only use baking soda, no shampoo. Your hair may get dried out at first. But after a few weeks your scalp will start producing natural oils, leaving your hair softer and free of flakes.

3. Lemon
If itchy, scaly dandruff has you scratching your head, relief may be no farther away than your refrigerator. Just massage 2 tablespoons lemon juice into your scalp and rinse with water. Then stir 1 teaspoon lemon juice into 1 cup water and rinse your hair with it. Repeat this daily until your dandruff disappears. No more itchy scalp, and your hair will smell lemon-fresh.

4. Mouthwash

To treat a bad case of dandruff, wash your hair with your regular shampoo; then rinse with an alcohol-based mouthwash. You can follow with your regular conditioner.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

OLLC: Meditate Meditate to keep the mind calm and warm. ...

OLLC: Meditate Meditate to keep the mind calm and warm. ...: Meditate  Meditate to keep the mind calm and warm. Winters can be irritating sometimes, to keep cool meditation is one of the best way...
Meditate to keep the mind calm and warm. Winters can be irritating sometimes, to keep cool meditation is one of the best ways.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

OLLC: Cholesterol

OLLC: Cholesterol: If you want to know Cholesterol, You are required to understand High blood Cholesterol (ko-LES-ter-ol). Cholesterol is a fatty, wax...


If you want to know Cholesterol, You are required to understand High blood Cholesterol (ko-LES-ter-ol). Cholesterol is a fatty, wax like substance present in all cells of the body.
Cholesterol is needed for the body to produce Vitamin D, hormones and substances which are necessary to digest food. Body itself produces the required cholesterol but there are certain other foods which also contain high level of cholesterol.
Lipoproteins (lip-o-PRO-teens) are the small packages of cholesterol which travels through the bloodstream. These packages are made up of Fats (Lipid) and proteins.  

The functions of Cholesterol

§  It fabricates and maintains the cell membranes.
§  It is necessary for determining which molecules can go into the cell and which cannot
§  It is important in the production of hormones discharged by the adrenal glands
§  It helps in the production of anger.
§  It changes sunshine to vitamin D.
§  It is significant for the metabolism of fat soluble vitamins; it includes vitamins A, D, E, and K.
§  It protects nerve fibers.
Types of lipoproteins that transmit cholesterol throughout the body:
·         Low-density lipoproteins (LDL)
·         High-density lipoproteins (HDL).
To have healthy levels of both kinds of lipoproteins is very important.
LDL cholesterol is also known as “bad” cholesterol. A high level of LDL leads to loudening of cholesterol in the arteries. (The blood vessels that transmit blood from heart to other parts of body are called arteries.)
HDL cholesterol is known as “good” cholesterol. It takes cholesterol from different parts of body back to the liver and the liver removes the cholesterol from body.

The normal cholesterol levels:

§  Required - Less than 200 mg/dL.
§  Bordeline - 200 to 239 mg/dL.
§  High - 240 mg/dL and more.
§  Most favorable level: less than 5mmol/ltr.
§  Slightly high cholesterol level: 5 to 6.4mmol/ltr.
§  Moderately high cholesterol level: 6.5 to 7.8mmol/ltr.
§  Very high cholesterol level: above 7.8mmol/ltr.

Risks of high cholesterol

§  Atherosclerosis - narrowing of the arteries.
§  Higher coronary heart disease risk - an abnormality of the arteries that supply blood and oxygen to the heart.9
§  Heart attack – It occurs when the supply of oxygen and blood to the area of heart muscle is blocked because of a clot in a coronary artery. This causes heart muscle to die.
§  Angina – discomfort and chest pain that arise when your heart muscles do not get sufficient blood.
§  Stroke and mini-stroke – It occurs when a blood clot blocks a vein or artery, interrupting the flow to the area of brain. Can take place when a blood vessel breaks and the brain cells begin to die.

Signs and symptoms of high cholesterol:

§  Tapering coronary arteries in the heart.
§  Leg pain when exercising 
§  Ruptured blood vessels 
§  Ruptured plaques - this can lead to coronary thrombosis (a clot forming in one of the arteries that delivers blood to the heart). If this causes significant injury to heart muscle which may result in heart failure.
§  Xanthomas – they are the thick yellow patches on the skin, particularly in the region of the eyes. They are the deposits of cholesterol.

Causes of high Cholesterol:

1.       Lifestyle causes
§  Food Habits - Some food contains cholesterol, like eggs, some sea foods, however, dietary cholesterol does not have much of an effect in human blood cholesterol levels but saturated fats do. Foods which are high in saturated fats include some pies, red meat, sausages, lard, hard cheese, pastry, most biscuits, cakes, and cream etc.
§  Inactive lifestyle –Those who do not work out and spend most of their time sitting and lying down have significantly higher levels bad cholesterol and lower levels good cholesterol.
§  Bodyweight – Those who are overweight or obese are much more likely to have higher bad cholesterol levels and lower good cholesterol levels, as compare to the people who have normal weight.
§  Smoking -This can have quite a significant effect on bad cholesterol levels.
§  Alcohol - Those who guzzle too much alcohol on a regular basis, generally have much higher levels of bad cholesterol level and much lower levels of good cholesterol level as compared to who refrain or those who gulp in moderation.

2.     Treatable medical conditions
·         Diabetes.
·         High blood pressure (hypertension).
·         High levels of triglycerides.
·         Kidney diseases.
·         Liver diseases.
·         Under-active thyroid gland.


How to handle high cholesterol:

  • Doing plenty of exercise.
  • Eating fruits, whole grains, vegetables, oats.
  • Avoiding foods which have saturated fats.
  • Getting sound sleep.
  • Bringing bodyweight back to normal.
  • Avoiding alcohol.
  • Stopping smoking.