Monday, 15 September 2014

OUR LIFE LONG CARES (OLLC) is working for change in our life style from sedentary to live/ active/ healthy through holistic approach of workout & preventive care through exercises, diet modification and supplements etc.
Omega-3 oriented items are green leafy vegetables, meat &dairy products, walnuts, flax seeds, fish and fish oil etc. are for the benefits of those who are suffering from inflammatory conditions like allergies, asthma, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
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Saturday, 13 September 2014

Among three pillars of perfect health, diet is the most important. Until unless a proper diet regime is adopted, one cannot think of achieving good health. In fact diet itself is medicine. We can keep the diseases at way by understanding the science of diet and its effects. Diet is prescribed keeping in mind the gross body’s nutritional needs and preservation requirements. Diet nourishes our sensory organs. A modified diet is usually preferred to achieve and maintain good health.
Have You Ever Heard the Saying “You Are What You Eat”?
It is true that human body really is built from the nutrients it gets from food: water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
On average:
• Water holds 60% of your body weight.
• Fat has 20% of your body weight.
• Vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates hold other 20% of your body weight.
Foods and beverages give the energy and nutrients required to maintain every system in the human body.

Energy from food:
• Energy is the ability to do work.
• Energy is taken from every single bite of food no matter whether it gives nutrients or not.
• Kilojoules is the standard to measure the energy and calories of the food.

Calorie: one calorie is amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius.
The quantity of heat released when food is burned (metabolized) in your body cells provides our bodies with energy.

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Friday, 12 September 2014

Obesity is the physical condition of abnormal/excessive fat accumulation in the body that impair the health. In the condition there is imbalance that the energy intake through the foods is more than the energy we consume through our physical activity over a period of time. Obese people perspire a lot which emits a lot of odour. They has the urge to eat at short intervals. The palpitation increases with the slightest exertion.
Factors of becoming obese
The factors lead to obesity/overweight are given herewith: 
1). Dietary habits: You are not noticing that the foods for those you are craving are not good for you i.e. chips and chocolates are not so nutritious. These are fat makers and shoot up our weight. In our sedentary life style there is imbalance in the energy intake through the foods is more than the energy we consume through our physical activity so the excess dietary fats are stored in fat depots of the body. Carbohydrates in excess also be converted to fat alcohol intake due to empty calories contributes to increase in central obesity. Fast and junk foods are high in fats and refined carbohydrates and low in fiber being taken regularly in the diet also contribute increase in energy intake.
Level of physical activity: Due to the sedentary lifestyle, improved transport and technology and other working facilities reduced the level of physical activity so weight gain conditions are common.
2). Heredity: Eighty percent of the obese parents the children are also obese whereas when one parent is obese the incidence of obesity reduces to 40% and if both the patents are of normal weight the obesity in the children is less than of 10%. 
3). Psychological factors: There is psychological and physical connection between the obesity and discontented or depression or loneliness so eating can be a solace. In the situation of tension, anxiety, fear also people eat in excess for their emotional satisfaction.
4). Environmental and social impacts: In the environment of societal parties lavish foods are served so temptation leads to overeating. 
5). Endocrinal factors: Due to the weight gain serious nature of hormonal problems as that hypothyroidism, insulin resistance and certain genetic disorders are there with the obese people. In the females when their sex hormones changes after the pregnancy and after removal of ovaries or uterus or at menopause the possibility of weight gain is also there. 
6). Medication: Possibilities of weight gain after intake of certain drugs such as steroids, non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs oral contraceptive pills and most of the oral hypoglycemics and anti depressants are always there. 
At OLLC, how your weight is managed?
A multidisciplinary approach is adopted by the team of qualified professionals of dietitians, nutritionists, physician, psychologists, physiotherapists, nurses and other staff of the OLLC for the purpose to solve the weight related problems of both men and women. Before offering the weight management program to the client a comprehensive analysis is made with regard to the body composition and dietary habits and the medical conditions with his social and personal lifestyle that all lead to his weight gain. A scientific solution with holistic approach the weight loss program is started by creating a negative calorie balance of the client. The diet modification is charted in view of already taken analysis. Passive and active physical activity with lived behavioral changes are set in the program.

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Monday, 1 September 2014

Chronic Migraine

Chronic Migraine is the term referred to headaches that have lasted more than three months. The pain is marked by frequent spills of headache on one side of the head. This is usually aggravated by stress and other triggers that vary from person to person. This is most common in professional people such as lawyers, scientists, and invariably it is women who are more prone to it than men.
Migraine headaches result from a combination of blood vessel enlargement and the release of chemicals from nerves that causes the sympathetic nervous system to respond with feeling of nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.
Preventive treatments can be an important part which includes; medications, nutritional supplements, lifestyle alterations, such as increased exercise and avoidance of migraine triggers like acidity, sun exposure etc., there are people for whom conventional medicine fails. For such doctors may use Botox. The goals of preventive therapy are to reduce the frequency, painfulness, and/or duration of migraines, and to increase the effectiveness of abortive therapy. Another reason to pursue these goals is to avoid medication overuse headache (MOH),otherwise known as rebound headache.
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