Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Registration open at BSRC for Dissertation

Students of Msc / Applications are Invited for their Dissertation projects BSRC Panchkula conducting Research & Development in the areas of health care and Biotech industrial training programs of different modules and Dissertation projects with management internship programs for the empowerment. To create the meritocratic environment for young trainees and researchers to flourish, laboratory has been shifted from the present premises SCO 15, Chandigarh – Zirakpur Road, Zirakpur to Plot No. 315, Industrial Area Phase 2, Panchkula a wider premises with proper ambiance for the Programs.

Applications are Invited for Dissertation projects Batches(1st September-2014). At Biotech Study and Research Center Panchkula. Students are Encouraged to Register to reserve their slot as Early as Possible.

For more information contact the undersigned
Ms: Nidhi Sharma (HR) 
Mob: 8289055511
Tel :  01726051444

Thursday, 7 August 2014


The JI-YES has entered into strategic alliances with Our Life Long Cares (OLLC) a company practicing for treatments of non-communicable diseases.
Obesity is the physical condition of abnormal/excessive fat accumulation in the body that impair the health. In the condition there is imbalance that the energy intake through the foods is more than the energy we consume through our physical activity over a period of time. Obese people perspire a lot which emits a lot of odour. They has the urge to eat at short intervals. The palpitation increases with the slightest exertion.
Factors of becoming obese
The factors lead to obesity/overweight are given herewith:
1). Dietary habits: You are not noticing that the foods for those you are craving are not good for you i.e. chips and chocolates are not so nutritious. These are fat makers and shoot up our weight. In our sedentary life style there is imbalance in the energy intake through the foods is more than the energy we consume through our physical activity so the excess dietary fats are stored in fat depots of the body. Carbohydrates in excess also be converted to fat alcohol intake due to empty calories contributes to increase in central obesity. Fast and junk foods are high in fats and refined carbohydrates and low in fiber being taken regularly in the diet also contribute increase in energy intake.
Level of physical activity: Due to the sedentary lifestyle, improved transport and technology and other working facilities reduced the level of physical activity so weight gain conditions are common.
2). Heredity: Eighty percent of the obese parents the children are also obese whereas when one parent is obese the incidence of obesity reduces to 40% and if both the patents are of normal weight the obesity in the children is less than of 10%.
3). Psychological factors: There is psychological and physical connection between the obesity and discontented or depression or loneliness so eating can be a solace. In the situation of tension, anxiety, fear also people eat in excess for their emotional satisfaction.
4). Environmental and social impacts: In the environment of societal parties lavish foods are served so temptation leads to overeating.
5). Endocrinal factors: Due to the weight gain serious nature of hormonal problems as that hypothyroidism, insulin resistance and certain genetic disorders are there with the obese people. In the females when their sex hormones changes after the pregnancy and after removal of ovaries or uterus or at menopause the possibility of weight gain is also there.
6). Medication: Possibilities of weight gain after intake of certain drugs such as steroids, non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs oral contraceptive pills and most of the oral hypoglycemics and anti depressants are always there.
At OLLC, how your weight is managed?
A multidisciplinary approach is adopted by the team of qualified professionals of dietitians, nutritionists, physician, psychologists, physiotherapists, nurses and other staff of the OLLC for the purpose to solve the weight related problems of both men and women. Before offering the weight management program to the client a comprehensive analysis is made with regard to the body composition and dietary habits and the medical conditions with his social and personal lifestyle that all lead to his weight gain. A scientific solution with holistic approach the weight loss program is started by creating a negative calorie balance of the client. The diet modification is charted in view of already taken analysis. Passive and active physical activity with lived behavioral changes are set in the program.

For more details: