Thursday, 30 January 2014


Obesity is the physical condition of abnormal/excessive fat accumulation in the body that impair the health. In the condition there is imbalance that the energy intake through the foods is more than the energy we consume through our physical activity over a period of time. Obese people perspire a lot which emits a lot of odour. They has the urge to eat at short intervals. The palpitation increases with the slightest exertion.
Factors of becoming obese
The factors lead to obesity/overweight are given herewith: 
1). Dietary habits: You are not noticing that the foods for those you are craving are not good for you i.e. chips and chocolates are not so nutritious. These are fat makers and shoot up our weight. In our sedentary life style there is imbalance in the energy intake through the foods is more than the energy we consume through our physical activity so the excess dietary fats are stored in fat depots of the body. Carbohydrates in excess also be converted to fat alcohol intake due to empty calories contributes to increase in central obesity. Fast and junk foods are high in fats and refined carbohydrates and low in fiber being taken regularly in the diet also contribute increase in energy intake.
Level of physical activity: Due to the sedentary lifestyle, improved transport and technology and other working facilities reduced the level of physical activity so weight gain conditions are common.
2). Heredity: Eighty percent of the obese parents the children are also obese whereas when one parent is obese the incidence of obesity reduces to 40% and if both the patents are of normal weight the obesity in the children is less than of 10%. 
3). Psychological factors: There is psychological and physical connection between the obesity and discontented or depression or loneliness so eating can be a solace. In the situation of tension, anxiety, fear also people eat in excess for their emotional satisfaction.
4). Environmental and social impacts: In the environment of societal parties lavish foods are served so temptation leads to overeating. 
5). Endocrinal factors: Due to the weight gain serious nature of hormonal problems as that hypothyroidism, insulin resistance and certain genetic disorders are there with the obese people. In the females when their sex hormones changes after the pregnancy and after removal of ovaries or uterus or at menopause the possibility of weight gain is also there. 
6). Medication: Possibilities of weight gain after intake of certain drugs such as steroids, non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs oral contraceptive pills and most of the oral hypoglycemics and anti depressants are always there. 
At OLLC, how your weight is managed?
A multidisciplinary approach is adopted by the team of qualified professionals of dietitians, nutritionists, physician, psychologists, physiotherapists, nurses and other staff of the OLLC for the purpose to solve the weight related problems of both men and women. Before offering the weight management program to the client a comprehensive analysis is made with regard to the body composition and dietary habits and the medical conditions with his social and personal lifestyle that all lead to his weight gain. A scientific solution with holistic approach the weight loss program is started by creating a negative calorie balance of the client. The diet modification is charted in view of already taken analysis. Passive and active physical activity with lived behavioral changes are set in the program.
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Monday, 27 January 2014

Gall Stones

Gall stones are small or large stones like substances which get formed in the Gall bladder, and can cause severe pain in the right upper abdomen. Gallstones develops when liquid stored in the gall bladder transformed into small pieces of stone and can cause acute inflammation of the gall bladder with chronic pain and high fever. The gall bladder stores bile having water, billirubin, bile salts and cholesterol. Gallstones are of two types: cholesterol stones made of hardened cholesterol which are usually yellow-green and pigment stones are small and dark stones made of billirubin. 
Causes of gall stones
Following are the conditions that may develop gall stones:
• Absorption of bile salts
• Absorption of water from the bile
• Too much cholesterol in the bile

Risk factors of having gall stones
• This disease is found more common in women than men because they have high estrogen levels due to pregnancy and contraceptive use.
• Obesity
• Diabetes and insulin resistance
• Blood diseases
• Gall bladder and ducts diseases
• Use of cholesterol lowering drugs 
• Rapid weight loss and fasting
• Diseases of gall bladder and ducts 

If gall bladder is removed, what will happen?

Once if gall bladder is removed, the bile still flows from the liver to the gut. People who have had removed their gall bladder, have mild abdominal pain or bloating particularly after eating a fatty meal. In some persons an increase in occurrence of passing stools like mild diarrhea is noticed which can be treated easily. 

Will losing weight prevent or complicate?

Rapid weight loss due to crash dieting can actually increase the chances of developing gall stones also because during the prolong fasting body metabolizes fat so the liver secretes extra cholesterol into bile which can cause gall stones. 
Instead of rapid weight loss, in normal weight loss the risk can be prevented.
Because obesity posses even greater risk so weight loss can lower the risk of developing gall stones including so many other obesity related diseases. 

How OLLC manage your this condition? 

We at OLLC help you to manage your this condition by getting your lifestyle changed with diet modification and the physical activities with support of the supplements. 
In the diet modification support system of OLLC the clients are motivated and gradual changes are incorporated to get them at required change in their diet. Diet plan mean a balanced diet approach keeping in view the present health condition of gall stones and accordingly focus is given consumption of the fruits, the vegetables, the whole grains and nonfat dairy products, lean meat, fish etc low in saturated fat, total fat and refined carbohydrates. In case of obesity focus is given on reduction of weight and the waist circumference with passive activities and diet modification keeping in view of the health condition.
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Friday, 24 January 2014

Syndrome X

Syndrome X is a combination of conditions i.e. high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, low levels of HDL, too much fat deposited around waist etc. that keep you on risk for diabetes and heart disease and is also known as metabolic syndrome. It causes insulin resistance incapable to deal with dietary carbohydrates and sugar properly because insulin as a hormone helps to convert sugar from food into energy for the body. Insulin resistant people having too much sugar in their blood are going to be sick of the disease syndrome X. 
Causes of Syndrome X
The main causes are:
Genetic predisposition: includes type II diabetes, hypertension and heart disease because of the family history increase the possibility of developing metabolic syndrome. 
Environmental causes: 
• Excessive intake of carbohydrates and excessive weight significantly contribute to the development of metabolic syndrome.
• Irregular physical activity and sedentary lifestyle of the people put in them towards metabolic syndrome.
• Increased stress level
• Deficiency of nutrients and minerals
Symptoms of syndrome X
The most common symptoms of syndrome X are associated with the obesity, associated symptom of diabetes, hypertension, fatty liver, failure to lose weight etc. 
How at OLLC we help you manage your this condition? 
We at OLLC help you to manage your this condition by getting your lifestyle changed with diet modification and the physical activities with support of the supplements so that your required weight is managed. 

In the diet modification support system of OLLC the clients are motivated and gradual changes are incorporated to get them at required change in their diet. Diet plan mean a balanced diet approach keeping in view the present health condition and accordingly focus is given consumption of the fruits, the vegetables, the whole grains and nonfat dairy products, lean meat, fish etc low in saturated fat, total fat and refined carbohydrates. In case of obesity focus is given on reduction of weight and the waist circumference. The programs of the exercises of both types active or passive are advised keeping in view of the health condition and the lifestyle to get the optimal fitness for beneficial effects on the diseases such as hypertension, cholesterol level and insulin sensitivity. 
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Thursday, 23 January 2014

OLLC is partnering with a new vocational Training Institute “Jawahar Institute of Youth Employable Skills” (JIYES) for the courses of soft skills with specific segment of food & wellness.

OLLC is partnering with a new vocational Training Institute “Jawahar  Institute of Youth Employable Skills” (JIYES) for the courses of soft skills with specific segment of food & wellness. For that purpose we are looking for the candidates for the following: 
Position: Centre Head 
Location: Panchkula
Eligibility: Qualified in the field of wellness/personal care/nutrition/food science and has good experience of running a centre of a reputed company.  
 He/she shall be responsible for smooth running of the Centre with good pace of its promotion in revenue and repute. 

Position: Dieticians      
Location: Panchkula
Eligibility: PG Diploma in Dietetics, Health and Nutrition for the purpose of R & D and Food Processing 
To interact, motivate and follow up the clients on prevention of obesity, malnutrition, hereditary disorders etc. While working on their diet modification and change in their lifestyle. 

Position: Food Technologists
Location: Panchkula
Eligibility: Graduates/Post Graduate in Food Technology & Quality Control, Microbial & Food Nutrition
To interact, motivate and follow up the clients on prevention of obesity, malnutrition, hereditary disorders etc. While working on their diet modification and change in their lifestyle. 

Position: Cosmetology Instructor
Location: Panchkula
Eligibility: Graduates/Post Graduate Diploma in Cosmetology and Beauty Care
Must be pro-active, attentive, work with full passion and participating special events of the company for its promotion and student recognition.
Position: Cosmetology Executive
Location: Panchkula
Eligibility: Graduates/Diploma holders in Cosmetology and Beauty care
Responsibilities: Must be pro-active, attentive, work with full passion and participating special events of the company for its promotion and student recognition. 

Position: Dermatologist
Location: Panchkula
Eligibility: Graduates/Post Graduate Diploma in Dermatology and Venereology 
To diagnose the problematic areas and provide suitable therapies and treatments such as intralesional steroids, chemical peels, and comodo removal to deal with age spots, sun damage, rough skin, discolored skin, or oily skin.

To Apply Send your  resumes on email mention below:
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Immunity is a God given gift which provide us self fighting force against the diseases or disorders so resist damaging microbes from entering our body. the immunity is of three types i.e. innate, adaptive and passive. Innate is natural by birth and the adaptive develops throughout life as per our lifestyle whereas the passive immunity is borrowed through medicines. The immune system of every person is different. Some people are infection proof i.e. do not easily fall before the infection whereas some people are infection prone remains generally sick. The immune system of teens and the youngsters is stronger than the kids because they learned to recognize the viruses of so many diseases and their immunity attacks those viruses and do not fall before those diseases. 
There are major four types of disorders of the immune system:
1. Immunodeficiency disorder
2. Autoimmune disorder
3. Allergic disorder 
4. Cancers of immune system
OLLC assistance in building your immune system healthy 
OLLC assist in building the immune system healthy of their clients by taking in its view all the deficiencies in their physical and mental health with their medical condition. Immunity is a prime ingredient that keep us disease free and healthy. To build the immunity at OLLC we take care of all the habits so get our clients out of their bad habits. Instead of medication we take route of prevention and change in lifestyle with physical activity and diet modification and the supplements for a good amount of vitamin intake to increases the level of immunoglobulin that build the immune system. 
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Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Introduction of JI-YES Institute

Talent with the skills is keys to success in today’s competitive world .Whereas Talent gives us edge to innovate and the skills are for the productivity. ‘People skills’ and ‘innovative solutions’ are critical for both personal and organizational success. The performance requires a blend of innovation and skills in the areas of our interest. 
In the scenario Jawahar Institute of Youth Employable Skills(JI-YES) is an endeavor to bridge the gap between classroom wisdom and business realities on the subject of management, industry specific and soft skills, CSR, ethics etc. At the institute active learning on employability of both types that job oriented and self enterprise shall be taken up. In the active learning in addition to the debates, interactions, demonstrations, group discussion, case studies the skills of the industry specific will be imparted with their internships. To boost the employability of self enterprise a MoU is made with Jawahar Rojgar Kendras.
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Sunday, 19 January 2014

Vacancies at OLLC

OLLC is Searching qualified professionals for its Head Office at Panchkula.
Position: Centre Head 
Location: Panchkula
Eligibility: Graduates with 3-5 years of experience in the field wellness/personal care/nutrition/food science. Good communication and people management skills.
Roles & Responsibilities:
1. Centre Manager is responsible for monitoring the Administrative, marketing and Technical aspects for smooth functioning of the centre.
2. Taking initiatives to increase revenue by creating awareness of the programs by organizing various marketing activities to increase foot falls and clients .
3. Ensuring customer satisfaction by maintaining the quality of services through SOPs adherence and research & development .

Position: Dietician
Location: Panchkula
Eligibility: B.Sc. Nutrition, Food Service Management and Dietetics, PG Diploma in Food and Nutrition/ Food Science. Excellent communication skills.
Roles & Responsibilities:
1. . Counseling clients enrolled for weight management, slimming program on appropriate diets, menu planning and preparation of food to treat obesity in order to enhance and maintain optimum health.
2. Keep accurate and timely records of personal, behavioral, medical and other relevant details of the client.
3. Monitor and review progress of client after each slimming session and devise alternate slimming plan in co-ordination with Slimming Manager

Position: Physiotherapists
Eligibility: Exprienced holding Degree or Diploma in Physiotherapy.
Roles / Responsibilities:
1. Counseling clients enrolled for the treatment of physical problems.
2. Keep accurate and timely records of personal, behavioral, medical and other relevant details of the client.
3. Monitor and review progress of client after each session and devise alternate physiotherapy plan in co-ordination with other experts.
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Saturday, 18 January 2014

Vacancies at OLLC

OLLC is looking for qualified professionals of its Head Office at Panchkula.

Position: Centre Head 
Location: Panchkula
Eligibility: Graduates with 3-5 years of experience in the field wellness/personal care/nutrition/food science. Good communication and people management skills.
Roles & Responsibilities:
1. Centre Manager is responsible for monitoring the Administrative, marketing and Technical aspects & smooth functioning of the centre.
2. Taking initiatives to increase sales e.g counseling clients, creating awareness, organizing various marketing activities to increase walk-in, up selling existing clients etc.
3. Ensuring customer satisfaction by maintaining the quality of services through SOPs adherence and training & development of the team.

Position: Dietician
Location: Panchkula
Eligibility: Graduates with 3-5 years of experience in the field wellness/personal care/nutrition/food science. Good communication and people management skills.
Roles & Responsibilities:
1. Counseling clients enrolled for weight management, slimming program on appropriate diets, menu planning and preparation of food to treat obesity in order to enhance and maintain optimum health.
2. Keep accurate and timely records of personal, behavioral, medical and other relevant details of the client.
3. Monitor and review progress of client after each slimming session and devise alternate slimming plan in co-ordination with Slimming Manager

Position: Physiotherapists
Eligibility: B.Sc. in any stream, Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Bachelor of Applied Science (physiotherapy) 
Bachelor of Physiotherapy/Bachelor of Exercise Science and any other. Excellent communication skills
Roles / Responsibilities:
1. Counseling clients enrolled for the treatment of physical problems.
2. Keep accurate and timely records of personal, behavioral, medical and other relevant details of the client.
3. Monitor and review progress of client after each session and devise alternate physiotherapy plan in co-ordination with other experts.
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Thursday, 16 January 2014


Gout is a metabolic disorder caused by a chemical in the blood called uric acid/urate leading to acute arthritis. Gout is more commonly found in men, because men have higher uric acid in their blood than women. Uric acid is made in the body which is usually harmless. Some of the uric acid passed out with the stools (faeces) whereas remaining with urine. With gout the amount of uric acid in the blood builds up and over the time the level may become too high that may form the tiny grit-like crystals of uric acid. Over production or under excretion of uric acid both causes Hyperuricemia that create inflammation in the big toe and also badly affect other joints in the body. 
Symptoms of Gout -The gout disorder is generally acute characterized by its sudden onset, frequently nocturnal, and either without following rapid fluctuations in serum urate levels or without apparent precipitating cause. Either increase or decrease in serum urate level can followed by gouty attack. Other symptoms of gout are:Chronic pain in the joints,Gradually goes away ,Itchy and peeling skin ,Redness and inflammation 
,Fever ,Less flexibility and Nodules 

At OLLC, How the experts come to your ease?
OLLC advice and counsel for following measures to take for the people with gout.
Weight loss-: Measures for weight loss are suggested in view of physical and medical status of the person. These measures are based on three principles of prevention, exercise and diet modification. In the diet modification avoiding of high protein oriented and foods rich in purines such as yeast or yeast extracts organ meats, sea foods, beans, peas, lentils, oatmeal, spinach, asparagus, cauliflower and mushrooms etc. drinking plenty of water is advised to avoid dehydration. Reduction in the amount of alcohol that you drink in bulk may help to lower the level of uric acid.
Medication:- Sometimes medication may increase the risk of gout for that a substitutive medicine must be available. regular checkup of blood pressure may help you to control the risk of gout because gout is more common with high blood pressure.
Physical activity:-The men those are more physically active have less risk of gout. The professionals at OLLC help to formulate a customized physical activity pattern based on the health condition of the person
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Wednesday, 15 January 2014


Obesity is the physical condition of abnormal/excessive fat accumulation in the body that impair the health. In the condition there is imbalance that the energy intake through the foods is more than the energy we consume through our physical activity over a period of time. Obese people perspire a lot which emits a lot of odour. They has the urge to eat at short intervals. The palpitation increases with the slightest exertion.
Factors of becoming obese
The factors lead to obesity/overweight are given herewith: 
1). Dietary habits: You are not noticing that the foods for those you are craving are not good for you i.e. chips and chocolates are not so nutritious. These are fat makers and shoot up our weight. In our sedentary life style there is imbalance in the energy intake through the foods is more than the energy we consume through our physical activity so the excess dietary fats are stored in fat depots of the body. Carbohydrates in excess also be converted to fat alcohol intake due to empty calories contributes to increase in central obesity. Fast and junk foods are high in fats and refined carbohydrates and low in fiber being taken regularly in the diet also contribute increase in energy intake.
Level of physical activity: Due to the sedentary lifestyle, improved transport and technology and other working facilities reduced the level of physical activity so weight gain conditions are common.
2). Heredity: Eighty percent of the obese parents the children are also obese whereas when one parent is obese the incidence of obesity reduces to 40% and if both the patents are of normal weight the obesity in the children is less than of 10%. 
3). Psychological factors: There is psychological and physical connection between the obesity and discontented or depression or loneliness so eating can be a solace. In the situation of tension, anxiety, fear also people eat in excess for their emotional satisfaction.
4). Environmental and social impacts: In the environment of societal parties lavish foods are served so temptation leads to overeating. 
5). Endocrinal factors: Due to the weight gain serious nature of hormonal problems as that hypothyroidism, insulin resistance and certain genetic disorders are there with the obese people. In the females when their sex hormones changes after the pregnancy and after removal of ovaries or uterus or at menopause the possibility of weight gain is also there. 
6). Medication: Possibilities of weight gain after intake of certain drugs such as steroids, non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs oral contraceptive pills and most of the oral hypoglycemics and anti depressants are always there. 
At OLLC, how your weight is managed?
A multidisciplinary approach is adopted by the team of qualified professionals of dietitians, nutritionists, physician, psychologists, physiotherapists, nurses and other staff of the OLLC for the purpose to solve the weight related problems of both men and women. Before offering the weight management program to the client a comprehensive analysis is made with regard to the body composition and dietary habits and the medical conditions with his social and personal lifestyle that all lead to his weight gain. A scientific solution with holistic approach the weight loss program is started by creating a negative calorie balance of the client. The diet modification is charted in view of already taken analysis. Passive and active physical activity with lived behavioral changes are set in the program.
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Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Vacancies at OLLC

OLLC is looking for qualified professionals of its Head Office at Panchkula.

Position: Centre Head 
Location: Panchkula
Eligibility: Graduates with 3-5 years of experience in the field wellness/personal care/nutrition/food science. Good communication and people management skills.
Roles & Responsibilities:
1. Centre Manager is responsible for monitoring the Administrative, marketing and Technical aspects & smooth functioning of the centre.
2. Taking initiatives to increase sales e.g counseling clients, creating awareness, organizing various marketing activities to increase walk-in, up selling existing clients etc.
3. Ensuring customer satisfaction by maintaining the quality of services through SOPs adherence and training & development of the team.

Position: Dietician
Location: Panchkula
Eligibility: Graduates with 3-5 years of experience in the field wellness/personal care/nutrition/food science. Good communication and people management skills.
Roles & Responsibilities:
1. Counseling clients enrolled for weight management, slimming program on appropriate diets, menu planning and preparation of food to treat obesity in order to enhance and maintain optimum health.
2. Keep accurate and timely records of personal, behavioral, medical and other relevant details of the client.
3. Monitor and review progress of client after each slimming session and devise alternate slimming plan in co-ordination with Slimming Manager

Position: Physiotherapists
Eligibility: B.Sc. in any stream, Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Bachelor of Applied Science (physiotherapy) 
Bachelor of Physiotherapy/Bachelor of Exercise Science and any other. Excellent communication skills
Roles / Responsibilities:
1. Counseling clients enrolled for the treatment of physical problems.
2. Keep accurate and timely records of personal, behavioral, medical and other relevant details of the client.
3. Monitor and review progress of client after each session and devise alternate physiotherapy plan in co-ordination with other experts.
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Friday, 10 January 2014

Vacancies at OLLC

OLLC is looking for qualified professionals of its Head Office at Panchkula.

Position: Centre Head 
Location: Panchkula
Eligibility: Graduates with 3-5 years of experience in the field wellness/personal care/nutrition/food science. Good communication and people management skills.
Roles & Responsibilities:
1. Centre Manager is responsible for monitoring the Administrative, marketing and Technical aspects & smooth functioning of the centre.
2. Taking initiatives to increase sales e.g counseling clients, creating awareness, organizing various marketing activities to increase walk-in, up selling existing clients etc.
3. Ensuring customer satisfaction by maintaining the quality of services through SOPs adherence and training & development of the team.

Position: Dietician
Location: Panchkula
Eligibility: Graduates with 3-5 years of experience in the field wellness/personal care/nutrition/food science. Good communication and people management skills.
Roles & Responsibilities:
1. Counseling clients enrolled for weight management, slimming program on appropriate diets, menu planning and preparation of food to treat obesity in order to enhance and maintain optimum health.
2. Keep accurate and timely records of personal, behavioral, medical and other relevant details of the client.
3. Monitor and review progress of client after each slimming session and devise alternate slimming plan in co-ordination with Slimming Manager

Position: Physiotherapists
Eligibility: B.Sc. in any stream, Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Bachelor of Applied Science (physiotherapy) 
Bachelor of Physiotherapy/Bachelor of Exercise Science and any other. Excellent communication skills
Roles / Responsibilities:
1. Counseling clients enrolled for the treatment of physical problems.
2. Keep accurate and timely records of personal, behavioral, medical and other relevant details of the client.
3. Monitor and review progress of client after each session and devise alternate physiotherapy plan in co-ordination with other experts.
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Wednesday, 8 January 2014


Obesity is the physical condition of abnormal/excessive fat accumulation in the body that impair the health. In the condition there is imbalance that the energy intake through the foods is more than the energy we consume through our physical activity over a period of time. Obese people perspire a lot which emits a lot of odour. They has the urge to eat at short intervals. The palpitation increases with the slightest exertion.
Factors of becoming obese
The factors lead to obesity/overweight are given herewith: 
1). Dietary habits: You are not noticing that the foods for those you are craving are not good for you i.e. chips and chocolates are not so nutritious. These are fat makers and shoot up our weight. In our sedentary life style there is imbalance in the energy intake through the foods is more than the energy we consume through our physical activity so the excess dietary fats are stored in fat depots of the body. Carbohydrates in excess also be converted to fat alcohol intake due to empty calories contributes to increase in central obesity. Fast and junk foods are high in fats and refined carbohydrates and low in fiber being taken regularly in the diet also contribute increase in energy intake.
Level of physical activity: Due to the sedentary lifestyle, improved transport and technology and other working facilities reduced the level of physical activity so weight gain conditions are common.
2). Heredity: Eighty percent of the obese parents the children are also obese whereas when one parent is obese the incidence of obesity reduces to 40% and if both the patents are of normal weight the obesity in the children is less than of 10%. 
3). Psychological factors: There is psychological and physical connection between the obesity and discontented or depression or loneliness so eating can be a solace. In the situation of tension, anxiety, fear also people eat in excess for their emotional satisfaction.
4). Environmental and social impacts: In the environment of societal parties lavish foods are served so temptation leads to overeating. 
5). Endocrinal factors: Due to the weight gain serious nature of hormonal problems as that hypothyroidism, insulin resistance and certain genetic disorders are there with the obese people. In the females when their sex hormones changes after the pregnancy and after removal of ovaries or uterus or at menopause the possibility of weight gain is also there. 
6). Medication: Possibilities of weight gain after intake of certain drugs such as steroids, non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs oral contraceptive pills and most of the oral hypoglycemics and anti depressants are always there. 
At OLLC, how your weight is managed?
A multidisciplinary approach is adopted by the team of qualified professionals of dietitians, nutritionists, physician, psychologists, physiotherapists, nurses and other staff of the OLLC for the purpose to solve the weight related problems of both men and women. Before offering the weight management program to the client a comprehensive analysis is made with regard to the body composition and dietary habits and the medical conditions with his social and personal lifestyle that all lead to his weight gain. A scientific solution with holistic approach the weight loss program is started by creating a negative calorie balance of the client. The diet modification is charted in view of already taken analysis. Passive and active physical activity with lived behavioral changes are set in the program.
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Tuesday, 7 January 2014

OLLC: Centre Head

OLLC: Centre Head: OLLC is Searching qualified professionals for its Head Office at Panchkula. Position: Centre Head   Location: Panchkula Eligibility: Gr...

Monday, 6 January 2014

Centre Head

OLLC is Searching qualified professionals for its Head Office at Panchkula.
Position: Centre Head 
Location: Panchkula
Eligibility: Graduates with 3-5 years of experience in the field wellness/personal care/nutrition/food science. Good communication and people management skills.
Roles & Responsibilities:
1. Centre Manager is responsible for monitoring the Administrative, marketing and Technical aspects for smooth functioning of the centre.
2. Taking initiatives to increase revenue by creating awareness of the programs by organizing various marketing activities to increase foot falls and clients .
3. Ensuring customer satisfaction by maintaining the quality of services through SOPs adherence and research & development .

Position: Dietician
Location: Panchkula
Eligibility: B.Sc. Nutrition, Food Service Management and Dietetics, PG Diploma in Food and Nutrition/ Food Science. Excellent communication skills.
Roles & Responsibilities:
1. . Counseling clients enrolled for weight management, slimming program on appropriate diets, menu planning and preparation of food to treat obesity in order to enhance and maintain optimum health.
2. Keep accurate and timely records of personal, behavioral, medical and other relevant details of the client.
3. Monitor and review progress of client after each slimming session and devise alternate slimming plan in co-ordination with Slimming Manager

Position: Physiotherapists
Eligibility: Exprienced holding Degree or Diploma in Physiotherapy.
Roles / Responsibilities:
1. Counseling clients enrolled for the treatment of physical problems.
2. Keep accurate and timely records of personal, behavioral, medical and other relevant details of the client.
3. Monitor and review progress of client after each session and devise alternate physiotherapy plan in co-ordination with other experts.
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Sunday, 5 January 2014

Hair Loss

Hair Loss:
While almost everyone will have one or other hair problems, the most common one is surely the problem of hair fall. While there are many reasons that eventually lead to hair fall, factors like aging, hereditary traits, pollution etc. are the most common ones. Sudden hair loss and chronic hair fall can be very depressing and embarrassing, but if treated on time with the right products, it can be prevented and gradually cured.

The sudden and undesirable loss suffered by the hair can be treated and prevented with a few conscious steps:

.Follow healthy hair care etiquettes and a healthy lifestyle.
.Maintain a healthy, nutritious and balanced diet rich in essential nutrients
.Drink sufficient amount of water, juices and liquids
.Keep your body properly hydrated
.Consume iron rich food
.Avoid crash diets
.Apply chemical free and safe hair care products, salon treatments and hair spa
.Resort to natural hair care remedies and hair packs
.Keep the hair and scalp moisturised and nourished by proper oiling and spa treatments
.Eliminate dandruff and other scalp infections by using anti dandruff shampoo and medication
.Avoid using dryers, rollers, hot rods
.Avoid stiff and tight hairstyles that are stressful for the hair
.Consult a dermatologist or healthcare provider in time for appropriate treatments to cure hair fall issues
.Resort to mild medication
.Practice yoga and meditation to relieve stress and tension.

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Friday, 3 January 2014

Celiac Disease

Celiac disease an extreme form of gluten-in-tolerance a digestive disorder. Gluten is invisible to naked eye found in endosperm of grains of wheat, rye, barley, oats and all their derivatives. Besides foods stuff, it may also found in asafoetida, soup cubes, soya sauce, cosmetics and medications whereas rice, wild rice, corn, maize, corn meal, sorghum(jowar), chestnut flour(singhara), quinoa , pearlmillet(bajra), fingermillet(ragi), buckwheat(kuttu), amarnath(ramdana), sago(sabudana) are gluten free grains. The immune system of the body reacts to the gluten and then harm the intestine. It may start in childhood, even in infants that may lead to slowdown the growth or even failure to flourish.
Celiac disease is a multi-system disorder and high variable in its clinical expression. It may occur at any age and may present with a variety of manifestations. Apart from gastrointestinal, it may express itself as iron deficiency, fatique, osteoporosis, and epilepsy, diarrhea, constipation etc.

Main symptoms of Celiac disease are; digestive that may include abdominal bloating and pain, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation and pale, foul-smelling stool, and weight loss or malnutrition include anemia, fatique, miscarriage or infertility. Depression, poor memory, irritability, skin rashes may experience the celiac disorder.

At OLLC diet experts and food technologists are researching and developing the food recipes and flours from gluten free grains and other products so that food needs of the affected persons can satisfied properly.

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Thursday, 2 January 2014


Immunity is a God given gift which provide us self fighting force against the diseases or disorders so resist damaging microbes from entering our body. the immunity is of three types i.e. innate, adaptive and passive. Innate  is natural by birth and the adaptive develops throughout life as per our lifestyle whereas the passive immunity is borrowed through medicines. The immune system of every person is different. Some people are infection proof i.e.  do not easily fall before the infection whereas some people are infection prone remains generally sick. The immune system of teens and the youngsters  is stronger than the kids because they learned to recognize the viruses of so many diseases and their immunity attacks those  viruses and do not fall before those diseases. 
There are major four types of disorders of the immune system:
1. Immunodeficiency disorder
2. Autoimmune disorder
3. Allergic disorder 
4. Cancers of immune system  

OLLC assistance in building your immune system healthy 
OLLC assist in building the immune system healthy of their clients by taking in its view all the deficiencies in their physical and mental health with their medical condition. Immunity is a prime ingredient that keep us disease free and healthy. To build the immunity at OLLC we take care of all the habits so get our clients out of their bad habits. Instead of medication we take route of prevention and change in lifestyle with physical activity and diet modification and the supplements for a good amount of vitamin intake to increases the level of immunoglobulin that build the immune system. 

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Wednesday, 1 January 2014


What is a stroke? What causes a stroke?

A stroke is a condition in which the brain cells suddenly die because of a lack of oxygen.

A stroke can be caused by an obstruction in the blood flow, or the rupture of an artery that feeds the brain.

The patient may suddenly lose the ability to speak, there may be memory problems, or one side of the body can become paralyzed

Who gets stroke?
Anyone can suffer from stroke. Although many risk factors are out of our control, several can be kept in line through proper nutrition and medical care.

Risk factors for stroke include the following:

Age - as you get older your risk increases.
Being male.
A family history of stroke.
High blood pressure.
High cholesterol.
Smoking cigarettes.
Obesity and overweight.
A previous stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA).
High levels of homocysteine (an amino acid in blood).
Divorced men have a higher risk of stroke.

What are the symptoms of stroke?

Trouble walking, loss of balance and coordination.
Speech problems.
Numbness, weakness, or paralysis.
Blurred, blackened, or double vision.
Sudden severe headache.

How is stroke diagnosed?Doctor assesses an MRI brain scan
Doctor assessing an MRI brain scan.
A stroke is a medical emergency, and anyone suspected of having one should be taken to hospital immediately so that tests can be run and the correct treatment can be provided as quickly as possible.

Physicians have several tools available to screen for stroke risk and diagnose an active stroke. These include:

Physical assessment - blood pressure tests and blood tests to see cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, and amino acid levels.
Ultrasound - a wand waved over the carotid arteries in the neck can provide a picture that shows whether there is any narrowing or clotting.

Arteriography - a catheter is inserted into the arteries to inject a dye that can be picked up by X-rays.

Computerized tomography (CT) scan - a scanning device that creates a 3-D image that can show aneurysms, bleeding, or abnormal vessels within the brain.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - a magnetic field generates a 3-D view of the brain to look at tissue damaged by stroke.

CT and MRI with angiography - scans that are aided by a dye that is injected into the blood vessels in order to provide clearer and more detailed images.

Echocardiography - an ultrasound that makes images of the heart to check for embolus.

Eye-movement analyzer may diagnose stroke - researchers from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore created a device that can help diagnose stroke by expertly analyzing eye movements. They reported their findings in the journal Stroke. The electronic device is a small, portable, video-oculography machine. It detects eye movements that most doctors find hard to notice.

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